Eastern access way to the famous Coliseum where an old man was taking in some sun, Rome, Italy, 1947.
A man views the Christian cross on the second level of the Coliseum, Rome, Italy, 1952. "Roman tourist destinations" was my first assignment for the New York Times.
The Fountain of Diana and Acteon at the "Itaian Versailles": The Royal Palace, Caserta, Italy, 1946.
Two girls exhibit different reactions to a raised camera, Bonefro, Italy, 1946.
1946 has already rung in for these two officers, Berlin, Germany, 1946.
The suns rays through the dirt of my Jeep frame a modest tree, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 1948.
AVA workers from Hoechst on weekend, Bad Homberg, Germany, 1948. These are the same people pictured in the previous picture: "AVA Holiday".
Health seekers at a pool of natural warm spring water in Wiesbaden, Germany, 1948. The story was on the woman at left, a beauty contestant, for Weekend Magazine.
Two children wait outside a grocery store with the family shopping cart, Hoescht, Germany, 1946.
In the midst of ruins, a boy forlornly walks his family's dog and renders a surprised reaction to me, Frankfurt, Germany, 1945.