"A German soldier, held prisoner in the United States of America, returns to his Frankfurt home only to find rubble. March 4, 1947, across the street from the American consulate." - Tony Vaccaro
Surrendering German soldiers gather in Walternienburg, Germany, May 10, 1945, instructed by US radio broadcasting in German. Many came by bicycle.
A dead German soldier lies amongst photos of his family, Hurtgen Forest, Germany, January, 1945.
A dead German soldier at a machine gun nest has fallen near a newly opened Christmas card, Hurtgen Forest, Germany, December 20, 1945. My 23rd birthday.
Captured German soldiers appreciate the food and niceties offered by the US forces. They would be held in camps in Germany and the United States for about one to three years, Hohenlepte, Germany, May 1945.